You are from New York originally, what part of the city did you grow up in, and where do you live now? Any other favorite neighborhoods in New York? I grew up in Chelsea in a townhouse full of art and a garden. I moved around in NYC but I’ve come back to Chelsea; this neighborhood still has some quiet places despite all its changes. The evolution of the area, though, has brought so many different crowds that it’s become a never ending source of inspiration for me. I love NYC so I don’t know if I have a favorite neighborhood but I like that each neighborhood is its own world, its own character and history, that’s unique to NYC, I think.
Tell us about your process and how you are drawn to what materials you use. I usually just make something up, I don’t sketch anything first and I generally just picture something in my mind and then try to put it down on paper. Sometimes, I am doing a party scene or a restaurant scene and I have little stories that I try to play out within the illustration. I always liked Where’s Waldo and Eye Spy

A lot of your work is very New York centric. What inspires your work/ how do you decide what catches your eye? Everywhere I look in the city, someone or something is always catching my eye. New York is full of characters so the inspiration comes very easily. Sometimes I just look out the window and see someone in an interesting outfit or with a quirky dog and that is all I need to go ahead and start working.
Who are some of your favorite artists and illustrators? I love Florine Stettheimer. She was a painter in the 20s and 30s and she painted a lot of her friends and parties in a very whimsical way.

Do you have a favorite piece you've created, or project that you've worked on? I particularly love when I get asked to design prints for fabric. It gives my art a new life when it’s put into three dimension.
What is your favorite room in your home and why? Any favorite objects with a special meaning? My favorite room in my house is my living room which is also my studio. It has the most light and it’s the most open, airy, and spacious. I purposefully don’t have much furniture to give it space to breathe. Favorite objects are my shell collection; I love collecting shells and rocks.
Where are some of your favorite places to travel? If you didn't live in New York, where would you live? I like traveling within the US. This country has the most extraordinary natural diversity. It’s incredible how expansive it is and that gets me very excited to explore.

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