Come on in and stay awhile!
So we're doing a blog - yay! We have *so* many thoughts on the home decor space we just had to share them with you. Our little shop in Brooklyn has become a destination for all things colorful and beautiful and now you can get our expert advice on how to bring color, print, and pattern into your home right here. We'll be diving into looks and ideas for your home so check back often to see that new inspiration you just need to have. Plus, we'll be sharing spotlights on some of our favorite artists and artisans that we work with, behind the scenes looks of web photoshoots we do, and maybe a post or two about how much we love animals! We look forward to opening and sharing our world with you.
And, if you want to get to know us a little bit better, check out our about us section and poke around the site. You'll see that we also do interior styling in the NYC-area as well as have our own line of products: the Collyer's Mansion Collection! And, of course, our webshop where you can shop and buy from our curated selection of pieces from around the world.
If you want to reach out, always feel free to contact us on Instagram @collyersmansion - we'd love to hear from you. Thanks for stopping by - Maggie hopes to see you again!